We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

If you just read this and your answer was a big Y E S then you will feel comfort to know you are not alone. Being nervous and reluctant to start or re start training is a feeling that is quite common.  My question to you is would you like to transcend this perception and overcome the barriers you may have?

Exercise can bring numerous benefits to older adults, both physically and psychologically, so ask your self this… are you active enough? Are you able to run after/play with your children or grand children?

While doing the grocery shopping are you able to squat down, look at what’s on the very bottom shelf then stand back up with no worries?

Are you confident that if you happened to fall over could you stand back up unassisted?

As a CrossFit coach I can honestly say the most satisfaction I get from coaching is having our older adult members be able to confidently answer Y E S to all of the above questions.

First off, getting active…I truly believe that these three factors will influence how active you are:

  3. BELIEVING THAT EXERCISE IS HAVING A POSITIVE AFFECT (Trusting the Process and your coaches)

Enjoyment is a big one. If you are not enjoying the type of training you are doing then I guarantee it wont last. We are constantly say this: TRAINING SHOULD NOT FEEL LIKE A CHORE

Social Support- If you have a great support network and are surrounded by likeminded people you will be more likely pick up the phone and get started on your fitness journey

Trusting the Process and believing… this is a massive one- you have to believe you can do it. No one else can do it for you.

Secondly, BARRIERS. One of the barriers you may be faced with is a lack of knowledge/interest in starting an exercise or training program. Which is surprisingly not uncommon even though we all understand that more activity means better health! Other barriers I have found that older adults may have are:

Ironically, starting a training/exercise program is the Remedy for these barriers.

Exercise can improve or reverse the conditions that are keeping you from exercising in the first place. A prime example is self-efficacy or fear of injury. By getting fitter and stronger you will not only become more self-efficient, you will decrease your risk of injury and fear of falling

Increased physical activity can improve your productivity (you will have more TIME) improve your self-esteem, mood, and overall health.

Exercise has also been shown to reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and osteoporosis. Being active improves your quality of life, improves self-confidence and also reduces levels of anxiety and depression.

So Ill ask you again… ARE YOU ACTIVE ENOUGH?

If not, its time to start breaking down those barriers, time to see that age is only a number and a number does NOT define you.