We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

Tips to stay safe during your workouts.

Whether you’re a beginner, fitness buff or somewhere in the middle, it’s important to stay safe and understand the requirements of hygiene before rejoining the gym world. That’s why we want to share with you some tips and rule at Crossfit Inventive.

  • Know the gym’s rules and safety protocols before you go. We have some rules we have set for everyone’s safety. We share our rules and cleaning methods on our Social Medias. Be sure you’re aware of the rules and allow for extra time to check in (and do whatever else you’re required to do).
  • Bring your own towel and water bottle.  Bring water with you and make sure it’s enough to last for your entire workout. You’ll also want to bring your own towel if you need it, but be mindful about where you put it, especially if you’re wiping your face with it.
  • Distance yourself. Most gyms and health clubs are required to space out machines and equipment so that people are farther apart, but pay attention to how close you are to others throughout the gym at all times. Always keep a minimum of six feet between you and other people outside of your household. We have placed our equipment outdoors, so all sessions will be done outside.
  • Wipe down everything. We clean and wipe our machines after the end of every class and our gym is closed on sundays so it gets a deeper and professional cleaning.
  • Go in with a plan, but be flexible. Before COVID-19, it was OK to wonder around the gym or wait (patiently) for the squat rack. But, for the moment the gym is not allowing anyone to saty around the gym before or after any class.
  • If you have any symptoms whatsoever – stay home! If you’re experiencing any flu-like symptoms, have a fever, shortness of breath, are coughing or have diarrhea, PLEASE stay home.    

We hope of all our member or future members remember to stay safe and healthy following this very important rules. If you want to get more information about our rules and protocols, check our social media @Crossfitinventive. Thank you so much!