CrossFit Inventive – Bullet Proof
Warm-up (No Measure)
20 banded SLDL
3 x 5 scap pulls (10 sec rest)
5 inchworm + 1 push up
With partner:
3 x 8 Hamstring Extensions.
Metcon (Weight)
4 x Super Sets:
Vertical Push/Pull
10 x DB Strict press@AHAP
20 x Banded Lat pull-downs
60-90 sec rest.
Metcon (Weight)
4 x Super Sets:
10 x Double Russian KBS @AHAP
10 x Double KB-SLDL
10 x KB-Floor Press
No rest in-between exercises
60-90 sec rest between sets.
L-Sit (3 x max effort 90 sec rest)
Core work.
3 attempts a max effort L-sit on rings.
*Scale to stationary dip holds
*Scale to knees above hip height.