CrossFit Inventive – Bullet Proof
Warm-up (No Measure)
4 sets:
20m DB over head carry@22.5/15kg
10m each way
5 slow/strict ring rows
5 x tempo push ups 3 down up fast
10 Stationary alternating reverse lunges
: Push-ups (4 sets 10 reps with 10/5kg plate 90 sec rest)
with a partner:
place a 10/5kg plate on across your upper back and complet 10 chest to ground strict push-up. Get you partner to keep the plate stable while your completeing the push-ups.
Ring Rows (Super Set x 4 sets. )
Complete a 20 second chin over bar hold, staright into 8 strict ring rows. rest 2 mins between sets.
Use a band if need be. No resting chin on the bar.
Metcon (No Measure)
With an empty barbell complete:
20 x Upright rows
20 x bent over rows
20 x behind the neck strict press
20 x reverse lunge steps (back rack position)
rest 2 mins repeat.
all movements should be slow and strict with good form. Try to only rest between exercises.