We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Frog stretch 2 mins

30 sec glute E/S

30 sec Calf E/S

30 calf pumps:


2 rounds:

20 single skips

5 scap pulls

5 kipping swings

1 wall walk


Box Front Squats (On the Minute x 7 (2 Box Front Squats)

Sets 1-2 @50%

Sets 3-4 @55%

Sets 5-7 @60%

Then on the 9:00:

Front Squat (Complex: On the 2 x 5 sets)

1 One & One Quarter Front Squat

1 Front Squat

*Round 1 Begins on the 9-11-13-15-17 mins.

Set 1: 50%

Set 2: 55%

Set 3-5: 60%

“Man on Fire” (Time)

For Time:

5 Rounds of Nate

100 Double-unders

4 Rounds of Nate

100 Double-unders

3 Rounds of Nate

100 Double-unders

2 Rounds of Nate

100 Double-unders

1 Round of Nate
1 Round of “Nate”

2 Ring Muscle-ups

4 Kipping HSPU

8 KBS @32/24kg

Scaled options:

-Bar muscle-up/any sort of Pull-up

-Double DB Push press

-Reduce KBS swing weight

-Keep single skips @100 reps

*Time cap depends on session time.