CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog stretch 2 mins
30 sec glute E/S
30 sec Calf E/S
30 calf pumps:
2 rounds:
20 single skips
5 scap pulls
5 kipping swings
1 wall walk
Box Front Squats (On the Minute x 7 (2 Box Front Squats)
Sets 1-2 @50%
Sets 3-4 @55%
Sets 5-7 @60%
Then on the 9:00:
Front Squat (Complex: On the 2 x 5 sets)
1 One & One Quarter Front Squat
1 Front Squat
*Round 1 Begins on the 9-11-13-15-17 mins.
Set 1: 50%
Set 2: 55%
Set 3-5: 60%
“Man on Fire” (Time)
For Time:
5 Rounds of Nate
100 Double-unders
4 Rounds of Nate
100 Double-unders
3 Rounds of Nate
100 Double-unders
2 Rounds of Nate
100 Double-unders
1 Round of Nate
1 Round of “Nate”
2 Ring Muscle-ups
4 Kipping HSPU
8 KBS @32/24kg
Scaled options:
-Bar muscle-up/any sort of Pull-up
-Double DB Push press
-Reduce KBS swing weight
-Keep single skips @100 reps
*Time cap depends on session time.