We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Frog Stretch 2 mins

Couch Stretch 60 sec

Wrist stretches 60 sec

30 sec Calf E/S + 30 slow calf pumps



20 singles + 20 Double-unders

5 KB-Goblet Squats @16/12kg

5 KB-Single leg SLDL E/S

(Do 40 single skips if you cannot mange Dubz or have 20 attempts at Dubz)



Back Squat (Working sets are the last 6 singles. )

On Every 2 mins:

On the 0: 9 reps @75%

On the 2: 7 reps, add 5kg

On the 4: 5 reps, add 5kg

On the 6: 3 reps, add 5kg

Follow On Every Minute

On the 8: 1 rep, add 5Kg

On the 9: 1 rep, add 2.5kg

On the 10: 1 rep, Stay

On the 11: 1 rep, Stay

On the 12, 1 rep, Stay

On the 13, 1 rep Stay

On the 14, 1 rep Stay

*Lifts on Minutes 9:00-14:00 should all be the same weight.

*There are 2 more additional sets on last weeks performance.

* We are starting 5kg Heavier than last weeks performance.

“Underated” (AMRAP – Reps)


30 Double-unders

1 hang Squat Cleans @60/42.5kg

30 Double-unders

2 Hang Squat Cleans @60/42.5kg

30 Double-unders

3 Hang Squat Cleans @60/42.5kg


Climb by 1 Rep Each Round.

*The Double-unders remain the same throughout the workout.