CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
T-spine snatch stretch 3 x 30 sec
Frog stretch 3 x 30 sec
Pass throughs x 10
Pass arounds x 10
OHS x 10
Snatch Balance x 10
Overhead Squat (Tempo @3121 x 5 sets 3 Reps)
@50-55-60-60-60% of your 1RM Snatch
60 rest between sets
Snatch (Power Snatch Barbell Cycling @40/30kg )
40 sec On/40 Off
30 sec On/30 Off
20 sec On/20 Off
3 minute running Clock
*Scale the weight back if need be so you can hold onto the bar and cycle clean reps.
Metcon (2 Rounds for time)
2 Sets:
25 OHS @35/20kg
35/25 cal Row Or Ski 30/20 Cals
2 mins rest between each set.