CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded mobility
Red banded Mobility
10 shuttle runs
4 laps side skips
2 laps high knees
2 laps but flicks
leg swing forward & lateral
60 sec squat hold@ body weight
lap inchworm 1 push up
20 scorpions front/back
Lower back/hip flexor stretch
Glute stretch
HIGH HANG SNATCH + 2 OHS (5 sets 1 rep)
Work up to 70% of 1RM and complete 4 sets. This is technique focused not aiming for PB’s. Focus on good form leading into testing week. Hitting position 1, tight bar path & getting under the bar fast.
Metcon (Time)
For time: Increasing weight/Decreasing reps:
10 x Hang power snatch@40/30kg
10 x box jumps
8 x Hang power snatch@50/40kg
10 x box jumps
6 x Hang power snatch@60/45kg
10 x box jumps
4 x Hang power snatch@70/50kg
10 x box jumps
12 mn cap