CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Green banded warm-up
4 x lateral over hurdle
4 in & out the hurdles
3 x jumps over hurdle
PVC pass throughs
pass arounds
10 snatch balance
10 Zotts press
30 sec glute st
30 sec spiderman lunge hold
20 scorpions front
30 sec lower back hip flexor stretch
Snatch (4 x 3 Drop reset reps 90 sec rest)
4 sets 3 reps Drop-rest reps @85% week 1. Add 2.5kg each week if possible.
These can be full or Power snatch.
E.G. if you need to pull under the last rep it will be a full snatch.
Beginners focus on Power snatch only.
Metcon (Weight)
12 Min EMOM: snatch complex of:
1 x Power + 1 x Hang Power + 1 x Hang full
*This is based on tech weight. Get used to cycling the movements efficiently with NO misses. You can stay at the same weight or increase every 3rd or 4th rep if you feel you can do so saftley.