CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
Double carpark run
30 couch stretch each side
30 sec hamstring stretch each side
30 sec Lower back/hip flexor each side
With red band:
10 pass throughs
10 pull-aparts
10 OHS
10 Strict press each side
10 strict push-ups
Tabata: 1:1
Hanging knee raises
Plank Hold
Bench Press (3 sets 10 reps @same weight + drop set x max reps)
Build up and complete 3 sets of 10 reps at the same weight with 90 seconds rest between working sets.
After you complete your last set of 10 reps, drop to 50% of that weight and complete 1 sets of max reps.
Record max reps in comment box with the 50% weight.
Metcon (Time)
20 minute amrap:
10/5 Cal assault bike
1 rope climb
3 Bar muscle-ups
5 Deadball over shoulder @AHAP
Complete as many rounds as possible as an individual.
Scale rope climbs to double standing/laying/standing position.
Scale Bar Muscle up to 5 Strict pull-ups