CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
30 red banded pull aparts
10 ring rows
10 HRPU@slow down/fast up
40 calf pumps
Then rounds:
30 sec plank hold
30 rest
30 sec hollow rock hold
Bench Press (12-10-8-6-4-2)
Build up until you find a heavy 12 reps, then make increases in weight for reps 10 through to 2. rest as needed between sets.
Record heavy double.
Metcon (No Measure)
ON EVERY 2 MINUTES x 8 sets (16 mins)
Alternate between & complete in the same 2 minutes:
1) 50 Double-unders + 10 fast Burpees
2) 10 fast push-ups + 15 air squats + 20 Double unders