CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
30 sec lower back/hip flexor
30 sec glute stretch
30 sec forearm stretch
2 Sets:
10 cal assault bike
3 inch worm 1 push ups
5 wall squats
10 calf pumps
10 Alt plyometric spiderman lunge jumps
10 scorpions
30 green banded SLD
3 x 10 each way banded crab walks.
Metcon (Weight)
ODD: 1 x Power clean + 1 x Front squat + 1 x Squat clean
Even: 35 Double unders/70 singles
*6-8 mins to build up to your complex weight. Stay at the same weight for all 6 sets on the complex.
2 x 500m Row (2 Rounds for time)
These are 2 max effort rows.
Cycle through 2 x 500m Row efforts.
3 mins between sets.
Larger groups go as soon as possible after the 3 min rest.