CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
30 sec Lower back/hipflexor
Glute Stretch 30 sec E/S
30 sec Spiderman lunge hold\30 sec twisted cross E/S
3 inchworm 2 push-ups
2 rounds:
6 KB or DB Russian Swings
6 Air squats
6 Reverse lunges
6 Lateral hops over the Dumbbell
Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)
“Home Gym WOD”
“Garage Fight”
3 Rounds of 1:00 Minute at Each:
Dumbbell Goblet Thrusters
Single Dumbbell Power Cleans
Hops over the Dumbbell
Single Arm Push Presses
n today’s 17 minute workout we’ll work through 5 different movements and a resting station
The goal is to keep consistent rep counts throughout the duration of the workout
We have a couple of options when it comes to pacing this workout
* Choose a pace that will allow good movement quality for each 1 Minute station
* Choose a rep count that you can sustain through this 17 minute workout
Let’s try to move through the entire minute at each station
We’ll keep 3 separate scores for each round, SugarWOD will add them up for a sum total for the leaderboard
Front Squat
On the 2:00 x 7 Sets
Set 1 (On the 0:00): 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 2 (On the 2:00): 1 Rep @ 87.5%
Set 3 (On the 4:00): 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 4 (On the 6:00): 1 Rep @ 90%
Set 5 (On the 8:00): 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 6 (On the 10:00): 1 Rep @ 95%
Set 7 (On the 12:00): 12 Reps @ 70%
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Lateral bar Burpees
10 Overhead Squats 40/30kg
15 Deadlifts 40/30kg
“Don’t bunt. Aim out of the ballpark.” – David Oglivy