CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Twisted Cross 30 Seconds Each Side
Puppy Dog Pose 30 Seconds
Couch Stretch – 1 Minutes
Calf Stretch 30 Sec each Side
2 Rounds:
300 Meter Row/Run
3 Strict Pull-Ups/Bent over row
5 Strict Dumbbell Press Each side
5 Pause Air Squats (3 Second Pause in the bottom)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
100 Alternating DB Clean and Jerks
*OTM – 5 Burpees over DB
Working through 2 different movements in this conditioning piece
3, 2, 1 go you will complete 5 burpees, jumping laterally over the dumbbell each time
No need to extend the hips fully on our burpees today
Once you’ve completed 5 burpees immediately move into alternating DB Clean and Jerks
* See Movement Video*
DB will start with each head of the dumbbell on the ground, move to the shoulder, and finish locked out over head with a full hip extension at the top
Let’s choose a DB weight that would allow you to hit 30+ reps when fresh
When Minute 1 hits- you will complete 5 more burpees then move back to the dumbbell
Continue to move through the two movements until you’ve completed 100 DB Clean and Jerks
Your score will be however long it takes you to finish 100 DB Clean and Jerks
Be aware that if you have 2 more alternating DB clean and jerks and the clock hits the next minute you need to complete another 5 burpees then finish your two reps
Metcon (Time)
“Twisted Sister”
For Time:
5 Rounds of “Cindy”
5 Rounds of “Mary”
5 Rounds of “Cindy”
1 Round of “Cindy”:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
1 Round of “Mary”:
5 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-ups
We’ll mash together two classic bodyweight benchmarks in this 15 round workout
You’ll complete all 5 rounds of “Cindy”, move on to the 5 rounds of “Mary”, and finish with another 5 rounds of “Cindy”
We expect this piece to take around 15-25 minutes to complete
Both of these benchmarks are designed with an upper body pull, an upper body push, and a lower body push