CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Banded Shoulder Mobility
Frog Stretch 60 seconds
20 Scopions F/B
Lower back/Hipflexor 30 Sec E/S
10 PVC pass throughs
10 PVC Pass arounds each way
10 PVC Snatch Balance
3 Snatch Pull
3 Power Snatch
3 Hang Snatch Pulls
3 Hang Snatch
Then 1 round of the below complex
Metcon (Weight)
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
1 Snatch Pull
1 Power Snatch
1 Hang Snatch Pull
1 Hang Snatch
* Hang snatch can be full or power.
Build over the course the 5 sets were needed. This technique based, NOT aimimng for big weight.
Beginners stay light.
Metcon (Time)
“Red Zone”
Hang Power Snatch 40/30kg
Thrusters 40/30kg
(15 minute Cap)
This barbell couplet alternates between a total body pull and a total body press
The weight is designed to be very light
You should be able to complete 30+ reps at each movement when fresh
Use one weight for both barbell movements
The rep scheme goes “down and back” for a total of 138 reps
Choose weights that allow you to complete the work in less than 10 minutes