We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Medball Thorasic Opener 3 x 30 sec 15 rest

Twisted Cross 30 sec E/S

Spiderman Lunge Hold with rotation 30 E/S

Wrist stretch 30 sec Front/Back



3 inchworm 1 push up

1 wall-walk with 10 sec Hold

10 PVC Pass throughs

10 PVC pass arounds


10 PVC Snatch Balance

30 Sec Handstand Hold/Wall-walk hold


Power Santch progressions

Power Snatch (Increasing weight/Decreasing reps)

Power Snatch

On the Minute x 3:

5 Touch and Go Power Snatches

Rest 1 Minute

On the Minute x 3:

3 Touch and Go Power Snatches

Rest 1 Minute

On the Minute x 3:

1 Power Snatch


Cycling power snatches is a big focus of today’s day of training

Before completing light snatches in the conditioning piece that follows, we’ll cycle some heavier loads here

The sets of 5 and 3 are designed to be complete unbroken as “”touch-and-go”” reps

Look to build in weight over each of the 9 sets

The piece flows like this

(On the 1:00): 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches

(On the 2:00): 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches

(On the 3:00): 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches

(On the 4:00): Rest

(On the 5:00): 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches

(On the 6:00): 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches

(On the 7:00): 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches

(On the 8:00): Rest

(On the 9:00): 1 Power Snatch

(On the 10:00): 1 Power Snatch

(On the 11:00): 1 Power Snatch

Record your heaviest single rep as your final score for the day

Metcon (Time)

5 Rounds For Time:

12 Kipping Handstand Push-ups

9 Power Snatches 50/35kg

6 Overhead Squats 50/35kg

15 minute cap

Abmat/plate HSPU

Seated DB Strict press

Knees on Box HSPU

Scale snatch and OHS weight as needed or Do Front Squats instead of OHS.