CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Medball Thorasic Opener 3 x 30 sec 15 rest
Twisted Cross 30 sec E/S
Spiderman Lunge Hold with rotation 30 E/S
Wrist stretch 30 sec Front/Back
3 inchworm 1 push up
1 wall-walk with 10 sec Hold
10 PVC Pass throughs
10 PVC pass arounds
10 PVC Snatch Balance
30 Sec Handstand Hold/Wall-walk hold
Power Santch progressions
Power Snatch (Increasing weight/Decreasing reps)
Power Snatch
On the Minute x 3:
5 Touch and Go Power Snatches
Rest 1 Minute
On the Minute x 3:
3 Touch and Go Power Snatches
Rest 1 Minute
On the Minute x 3:
1 Power Snatch
Cycling power snatches is a big focus of today’s day of training
Before completing light snatches in the conditioning piece that follows, we’ll cycle some heavier loads here
The sets of 5 and 3 are designed to be complete unbroken as “”touch-and-go”” reps
Look to build in weight over each of the 9 sets
The piece flows like this
(On the 1:00): 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches
(On the 2:00): 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches
(On the 3:00): 5 Touch and Go Power Snatches
(On the 4:00): Rest
(On the 5:00): 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches
(On the 6:00): 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches
(On the 7:00): 3 Touch and Go Power Snatches
(On the 8:00): Rest
(On the 9:00): 1 Power Snatch
(On the 10:00): 1 Power Snatch
(On the 11:00): 1 Power Snatch
Record your heaviest single rep as your final score for the day
Metcon (Time)
5 Rounds For Time:
12 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
9 Power Snatches 50/35kg
6 Overhead Squats 50/35kg
15 minute cap
Abmat/plate HSPU
Seated DB Strict press
Knees on Box HSPU
Scale snatch and OHS weight as needed or Do Front Squats instead of OHS.