CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
30 Second Lower back/Hipflexor each side
30 second Glute each side
30 second Spiderman lunge Reach out each side
30 second Twisted Cross each side
30 Second table Top each side
30 sec Wrist front/back
(with 1 moderate Dumbbell)
3 Sets:
5 Single Leg Stiff Leg Deadlift each side
5 Strict Press each side
5 Air Squats 1 sec pause in bottom position
At the end of each set:
1- 20 Second Superman Hold
2- 20 sec Hollow Hold
3- 20 sec Plank Hold
Clean and Jerk (5 TNG On e 90 sec x 5)
Week 2:
Aim to go 2.5kg heavier than last week.
Week 1, Estimated weight: 55-65% of your 1RM.
Build up an use the same weight for all 5 sets.
Complete 5 unbroken reps at the top of each 90 sec and rest with whatever time remains
Metcon (Time)
Interval GRACE
For Time
30 Clean & Jerks @60/42.5kg
30 seconds ON/30 seconds OFF
Until 30 Clean & Jerks Are Complete.
Our ain in the piece is to do as many Touch and go reps in each 30 second pice as possible. As soon as you can no longer TNG reps, aim to drop reset and keep going. As we are testing Grace in a few weeks, here is your chance to put some Touch n Go reps together.
Your score is final time after completing 30 reps with the rest built into your final time.