We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit


Banded Shoulder Mobility

Wrist 30 sec


Lower Back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s

Glute 0:30 e/s

Spiderman Lunge Hold 0:30 e/s


30 Calf Pumps

5 Inchworm 1 Push up

30 Sec HS-Hold



10 Wrist Rotations

5 Strict Press

5 Front Squats

3 Squat Cleans

Strict Press

Keep tight throughout. No assistance through knees or hips. Lock bar out to full extension.
Part A. – 5 Sets.

1 Tempo Strict Press (Regular Speed Up, 4s Down)

2 Strict Press

90 sec rest

Part B.

1 Set of Max Reps.

Record Max Reps.

Metcon (Time)

3 Rounds For Time:

30 Alt Dumbbell Hang Clean & Jerk (22.5/15)

20 Box Jumps (24/20)

10 Kipping HSPU

* On every 90 seconds complete 2 Squats Cleans @70/40kg until workout is complete.

* Start the workout with 2 Squat Cleans!