We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

Green & red banded warm up

10 shuttle runs

4 laps side skips

high knees

butt flicks

leg swings

spiderman lunge


wall squats

Hang Snatch (4 sets 3 reps 90 sec rest)

@90% of last weeks weight.

Metcon (Time)

100 Hollow rocks

Metcon (No Measure)

15 Min EMOM:

min 1 – 10 Alt DB Snatch @AHAP

min 2 – 45 sec L-ring Holds

min 3 – 20 Air squats