CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
1 min row
1 min bike
1 min wall squat
1 min plank
3 rounds
5 ring rows
5 hanging strict knee raises
5 strict push ups
20 scorpions front/back
30 sec lower/back hip flexor stretch
30 sec hammy stretch E/S
Accessory strength:
Bent Over Row (4 x 10 reps super set with Dumbell Press)
4 sets 10 reps @AHAP
8 x DB Single arm strict press each side @AHAP
Keep correct form. No kipping in the bent over row. Slow and controlled movements.
Add Dumbbell weight into your comment box.
Metcon (No Measure)
Core & Conditioning EMOM
16 min EMOM: 4 sets
1- 30 sec max cal bike
2- 20 Amat sit ups
4- 30 sec max cal row
5- 30 sec L-ring hold