CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 min row
2 min bike
1 lap inchworm
1 lap Spider-Man lunge
10 stick pass throughout
10 pass arounds
10 OHS
10 zotts press
30 glute stretch
30 sec lower back/hip flexor
Front Squat (3 Sets 3 Reps 2 mins rest )
Add 2.5kg increase on your last performance if you completed 3×3 successfuly.
Metcon (Time)
For time:
Increasing weight snatch:
15 x snatch @40/30kg
50 double unders
12 x snatch @50/35kg
50 double unders
9 x snatch @60/40kg
50 double unders
6 X snatch @70/45kg
50 double unders
3 x snatch @75/50kg
50 double unders
12 min cap
Can be power or full snatch.
Scale your weight according to your ability.