We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

Remember the first time you went to the gym? You might remember feeling like you were not going to make it through the class and were so sore for days on end. Just think what you may encounter once you return to your favorite class or training group after two to three months of quarantine.

Now, I know may of you might have continue with a excersice routine at home, but there are some other people that haven’t, and for both cases, we will recommend starting slowly, working out at home is good to keep the muscles warm and traines but the intensity to heavy lifting it’s not comparable.

Since we want you to be save and take care of your body and muscles, we want to share with all of you some recommendations to follow while your body gets used to exercising.

Trust the process: The best way to get back to your previous shape is being ok and calm about where you are, trust the process, know that being there will take a while but is going to be fine. You did it once, you can make it again, champ.

Start sllow and gradually: Stave off injuries or worse by starting slow and adding intensity progressively throughout the first 8–10 sessions back. Starting off too heavy or too fast can lead to physical injuries as well as emotional setbacks. Build some confidence every session, and you will be back to your prime self in no time, safely! 

Warm up and strech: Preparing your body before the workout is so important, it allows to warm up your muscles and get them ready for what’s to come. Also make time for stretching after the work out, Consider this as part of your workout and you are more likely to complete it every time.

Massages: Eventhough this is just optional, it’s a great way to treat your body after a big session of weights, massages has so many benefits, it helps you relax and release tension from your body. At CFI, we have our amazing massouse, Becky, that will be there to help you.

We hope all of you have and amazing time back to the gym, take care and follow our recommendations and in no time you’ll be back to and even better shape and stronger.