CrossFit Inventive – Gymnastics
3 Green banded stretches
T-spine stretch
20m High bum bear crawl
10m spiderman lunge with rotation
15 each side, Red banded front shoulder rotations
20 lat pull-downs
20 tricep ext
15 scap pulls
2 wall walks 10 sec pause, 30 rest between each
2 mins continuous Hollow hold to arch position
In 15 sec rotations
Metcon (No Measure)
15 Mins on kipping practice for kipping pull-ups
* Beat swing
* Hollow to Arch
* Tension on the bar
* Elbows down and back
* Pull in, Push off.
Metcon (No Measure)
For Quality
5 sets:
10 GHD Sit-ups
10m Handstand walk/3 wall walks
10 Ring dips
2 mins rest
*Coach or partner can assist your Hand stand walk.
Kipping positions