CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Couch stretch 60 e/s
Frog Stretch 2 mins
Twisted Cross 30 e/s
Puppy Dog Pose 30 sec
Wrist stretch 30 sec
2 laps halo Crab walks
20 Halo Glute bridges
Power Snatch x 3
Barbell OHS x 3
Front Squat x 3
Back Squat x 3
Front Squat (3 Front Squats + 6 Back Squats On E 2 mins x 6 )
Work at 60-65% of your 1RM Front Squat for all sets.
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
15 Power snatch, 15 OHS
12 Power Snatch, 12 OHS
9 Power snatch, 9 OHS
50 Cal Bike erg/Row
9 Power snatch, 9 OHS
12 Power Snatch, 12 OHS
15 Power snatch, 15 OHS
RX= 40/30kg
Scale OHS to front squat if need be.
Reduce weight as needed.