CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
60 sec couch stretch each side
30 sec spiderman lunge with internal/external rotation
10 x squat with alternating thoracic rotation
5 x inchworm 1 push-up
Banded Crab walk 2 laps each way
20 double leg banded glute bridges
Forearm/wrist stretches
Front Squat (From the floor. 1 squat clean + 3 front squats)
5 Sets:
1 Squat clean +
3 Front Squats
(4 reps total)
Build up to roughly 55-60% for set 1 of 5, aiming to finish @70% of your 1RM Front squat.
No more then 90 sec rest between your working sets.
Record last set.
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 Sets:
500/350m Row
8 squat cleans @80/55kg
2 mins rest after each set.
Bigger groups go as soon as possible if the rest period goes over 2 mins.
Go in waives depending on Group sizes.
Score total time each set.
Scale weights as needed.