CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Green banded shoulder mobility
3 rounds:
10 x Red banded pass throughs in squat position
5 x windmills each side
5 x DB Strict press each side
5 x DB ALT Reverse Lunge steps
10 x Slow calf pumps
Push Jerk (0nE 90 x 2 reps (5 sets)
2 second pause on dip and the catch.
Find a starting weight the allows you to perform sound mechanics and hold the pause in the key positions. This is more about technique, not weight.
Metcon (4 Rounds for time)
On every 4 minutes (x 4 sets)
50 Double unders
10 x Clean & Jerk @70/50kg
*Add 25 Double unders each set.