CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog stretch 90 sec
Couch stretch 60 sec each side
Cycle through 2 sets:
10/7 cal Bike
10 Banded SLDL
10 Banded Glute bridges
5 Scap pulls
5 kipping swings
Metcon (No Measure)
14 Minute EMOM:
ODD: 3 x Pause Front squat, 3 sec in bottom position.
EVEN: 3 x Tempo Deadlift @3030
Choose own weight for both movements.
Share Bars in big classes. One start on DL, the other on FS.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
12 Min AMRAP:
1 x Deadlift + 1 x Power Clean + 1 x Hang Power Clean + 1 x Squat Clean + 1 x Front Squat @80/50kg
1 Bar Muscle Up
*Increase BMUP up by 1 rep after each Complex
*If you drop the bar at any stage during the complex, re do that complex.
Scaling options for BMUP:
Banded Bar Muscle up
C2B/Pull-ups up by 2 reps per round
Ring Dips up by 2 reps per round
Ring Rows up by 2 reps per round