CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Frog stretch 2 mins
couch stretch 60 E/S
30 Green banded SLDL
4 Laps Banded Crab walks
PVC Pipe:
10 pass throughs
10 pass arounds each way
10 OHS
Back Squat (On Every 2 mins: Start @70% of Our Recent 5RM)
On the 0: 9 reps @70%
On the 2: 7 reps, add 5kg
On the 4: 5 reps, add 5kg
On the 6: 3 reps, add 5kg
On the 8: 1 rep, add 5Kg
On the 9: 1 rep, add 2.5kg
On the 10: 1 rep, add 2.5kg
On the 11: 1 rep, add 2.5kg
On the 12, 1 rep, add 2.5kg
*Your last few sets may need an even smaller increase or stay at a manageable weight and complete the rep range.
*If you did not do the 5 Rm test, start light and build as needed over the course of the 12 mins following the same rep range.
Metcon (3 Rounds for calories)
3:00 Mins On/3:00 Mins Off x 3 Sets
7 Power Snatch @50/35kg
7 OHS @50/35Kg
Remaining time: max Cal Row.
*Scale weight as needed:
*Scale OHS to Front squat if need be.
Big Groups spilt
G1 Go: 0:00-3:00
G2 Go: 3:00-6:00
G1 Go 6:00-9:00
G2 Go: 9:00-12:00
G1 Go: 12:00-15:00
G2 Go: 15:00-18:00
*Record max Cals achieved each set.