CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
(No Measure)
Shoulder Mobility
10 shuttle runs
1 lap Spiderman lunge
1 Lap Inchworm + 1 push up
10 Wall squats
C&J Bar Progressions.
Clean and Jerk (5 sets 1 Rep (Must make 4/5 attempts))
5 singles at 85% of 1RM C&J.
Must make 4/5 attempts successfully to increase the weight next week.
Target 5kg increase / week if work sets are above 120kg.
Target 2.5kg increase / week if work sets are below 120kg.
Metcon (Time)
3 RFT:
40 Double Unders
20 KBS 32/24
20 Push Press 50/30
20 Burpee to a Target
Rest 2 minutes