CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Pike Stretch: 1 Minutes
Glute Stretch 1 Minute Each side
30 Second Lower Back/Hipflexor
Wrist Stretches: 30 Seconds Each Side
3 Sets
30 Sec Machine/100m run
10 Dumbbell Strict press
15 Air Squats
Metcon (Weight)
Stamina Squats
On the Minute x 10:
1 Front Squat
3 Back Squats
Barbell loaded at 65% of your estimated 1RM Front Squat for all repetitions
Week #1 of a 5 week squat cycle
Each minute consists of a single front squat and three back squats
Same weight is used throughout, and all reps come from the rack
Today’s load is on the light/moderate side as we set the baseline
Next week we will be building in percentages
Metcon (5 Rounds for time)
“Home Gym & Comptrain”
On the 5:00 x 5 Rounds:
21/15 Calorie Machine
12 Double Dumbbell Power Snatches @1×22.5/15kg
8 Thrusters @40/30kg
*Dumbbell movements can be done in any rep range.
*If you do not have a barbell for Thrusters, use 1 Dumbbell.
*Run 300/200m if you have no Cardio Machine.
You’ll complete the 3 listed movements for time and rest with whatever time remains until the next 5-minute window
Rounds begin on the 0:00-5:00-10:00-15:00-20:00
Record your time following the 9th thruster, as your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds
We want these rounds to take less than 4 minutes to complete so you have at least 1 minute to rest