CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
100m Run
20 Calf Pumps
3 Inchworms 1 -push up
20 Banded Pullarts
100m run
10 barbell Good-mornings
10 Wrist Rotations
10 barbell Front squats
100m Run
5 Barbell Push Press
5 barbell Push Jerk
5 barbell C&J
100m Run
Set up & Complete:
5 barbell Bent Over Rows
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
1 Clean & Jerk
*Home WOD use machines instead of run if you wish.
Metcon (Weight)
8 Min EMOM: Complex:
3 Power Clean
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Front Squats
*Keeping this light. Minimal rest. Get used to moving the barbell again.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”
1 Clean and Jerk
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”
2 Clean and Jerk
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”
3 Clean and Jerk
Add 1 Clean and Jerk Per Round
Clean & Jerk = 50/35kg
*Todays Pull-up Sub will be barbell Bent Over Row @same weight as your clean & jerk.
Barbell Bent Over Rows
Knee Push-ups
Reduce the load.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“Home WOD”
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”
1 Double Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”
2 Double Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”
3 Double Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk
Add (1) Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk Per Round
Climbing the ladder for 15 minutes to start off the week
We’ll alternate between bodyweight movements and a weightlifting movement for 15 minutes
The double dumbbell clean and jerks will climb by (1) rep each round, while “Strict Cindy” rounds stay fixed at 1
After the round of 3, you’ll complete 4-5-6-7….
Your score today is total reps completed
1 round of “Strict Cindy” has 30 reps
1 Round of “Strict Cindy”:
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
We alternate between an upper body pull, upper body push, and lower body push
Because we’re always switching muscle groups, you’ll be able to better maintain intensity without burning out
Within the workout, choose variations that allow you to complete the pull-ups and push-ups within 2 sets each
Only one head of the dumbbell has to make contact with the ground outside of the feet in this movement
After cleaning the weight to the shoulders, you can either push press or push jerk the dumbbells overhead
Choose a weight here that you are confident in completing for 9+ reps unbroken when fresh
Odd Object Rows (10)
Double Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (10)
Single Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (5 Each Side)
Single Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks (Each Side)
Odd Object Clean and Jerks (3x Reps)
Metcon (Weight)
Stamina Squats
On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:
2 Front Squat
4 Back Squats
Barbell Loaded at 69% 1RM Front Squat
Metcon (3 Rounds for weight)
Snatch Technique A (0:00 – 5:00)
Close Grip Overhead Squat:
3 Sets of 3
This is week 2 of 2 in this progression
We’ll complete 3 snatch pieces today – all taking place on a running clock
The close grip overhead squat is an exercise that can help improve your overhead mobility and upper back strength for a strong posture in the olympic lifts
What “”close”” is will be unique to each person
The aim here is to take a grip that is more narrow that your traditional overhead grip
We’ll take 4-6 warmup sets before starting the running clock for these 3 working sets
Keep the weights on the light-moderate side to really focus on the mobility aspect of this movement
3 sets with a 5-minute window means you’ll complete 1 set every 1:40 (0:00-1:40-3:20)
Take the bar out of a rack for this piece
Snatch Technique B (5:00 – 10:00)
3 Sets:
1 Snatch Pull
1 Low Hang Squat Snatch
1 Snatch Balance
Set 1: 50% of 1RM Snatch
Set 2: 55% of 1RM Snatch
Sets 3-5: 60% of 1RM Snatch
This is week 2 of 2 in this progression
The second part of snatch technique begins at the 5:00 on the running clock
We’ll dissect the squat snatch into three parts as we work from the bottom up
These percentages are based off your 1RM snatch and are also designed to be on the light-moderate side
Click Here to see a demo video of the complex
Snatch Waves (11:00 – 22:00)
On the Minute x 11:
Minute 1: 1 Squat Snatch @ 72%
Minute 2: 1 Squat Snatch @ 76%
Minute 3: 1 Squat Snatch @ 80%
Minute 4: Rest
Minute 5: 1 Squat Snatch @ 76%
Minute 6: 1 Squat Snatch @ 80%
Minute 7: 1 Squat Snatch @ 84%
Minute 8: Rest
Minute 9: 1 Squat Snatch @ 84-92%
Minute 10: 1 Squat Snatch @ 84-92%
Minute 11: 1 Squat Snatch @ 84-92%
*Last sets are percentages by feel
This is week 4 of 4 in this progression
Building on last week, with higher percentages from the start
Final three lifts are based on feel, with a range of 8