CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Couch Stretch 1:00 e/s
Frog 2:00 e/s
Lower Back 0:30 e/s
Lower Back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s
Front Rack 0:30
Puppy Dog 0:30
Wrist 0:30
Banded Ankle Mobility 1:00 e/s
10 Barbell Good Mornings
10 Barbell Wrist Rotations
5 Front Squats
3 Clean Pull
3 Power Clean
3 Squat Clean
3 Hang Power Clean
3 Hang Squat Clean
3 High Hang Power Clean
3 High Hang Squat Clean
Clean Pull (Build To A Heavy Drop Reset Double)
GOE90 x 6 sets
Aim to Go Over your 1RM Clean
1 High Hang Power Clean 1 High Hang Squat Clean 1 Low Hang Power Clean 1 Low Hang Squat Clean (EMOM 8)
No releasing the Barbell over the 4 reps. Build to a weight where its challenging but your able to move the bar from the correct position.
Build to safe weight.
1 x Power clean + 1 x Squat clean (Go Every Minute x 8)
Short rest turn around. Build safely over the 8 Reps. Power Clean into Squat Clean Should be Touch & Go