CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Green banded shoulder mobility
90 sec frog stretch
so sec couch stretch E/S
30 sec spiderman lunge hold with rotation E/S
4 laps banded crab walks
20 Glute bridges with bands.
20 wrist rotations
10 good mornings
3 clean pulls
3 power cleans
3 hang power cleans
3 front squats
3 squat cleans
Power Clean (Build to a heavy set of 5 TNG in 12 mins)
From an empty bar, build to a heavy but safe set of 5 TNG power cleans. Rest as needed.
3 Power clean + 2 Hang power clean + 1 Hang squat clean (On every 2 mins x 6 sets)
Start light and build to a heavy single of this complex.
Record last successful single.
Stay light and focus on form if your a beginner.