CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
2 x 30 sec on/15 sec off :
Med bal T spine stretch
90 sec Frog stretch
30 sec Lower back/hipflexor E/S
PVC Pass throughs x 10
PVC pas arounds x 10 E/W
Over head squats x 5
Snatch Balance x 5
Power Snatch (On every 90 sec x 1 rep ( 7sets) )
3 position:
Snatch deadlift
Snatch Pull
Power Snatch
Keep load light and build to a moderate
Power Snatch (In and 8 min window)
Start light to moderate and aim to to keep weights moderate to heavy with excellent form.
Metcon (Time)
Interval “Randy”
Weight is light and fast @35/25kg
30 sec on 30 sec off for 8 mins
75 Power Snatch
*Aim is 10 reps per 30 sec + 5 in the last