CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Medball T-Spine stretch 3 x 30 sec 15 rest
Twisted Cross 30 sec E/S
30 sec Lower back/Hipflexor E/S
60 sec Frog stretch
10 pass throughs
10 pass arounds
10 OHS
10 Snatch Balance
Snatch Balance (8 MIN EMOM x 1 rep From The rig)
1 Hang Snatch High Pull + Hang Snatch + Snatch (On every 90 sec x 7 sets)
Build to a mod to heavy weight acheivable weight. This is tech nique based.
Snatch (12 mins to build to a heavy but safe tripple. )
Can be drop and reset once during the three reps if need Be. Only minimal rest after the drop.