CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
3 x 30 sec Medball T-Spine stretch 15 rest
Wrist Forearm x 30 sec front/back
Twisted Cross x 30 sec each side
Spiderman Lunge Hold 30 sec each side
30 Sec Static squats hold (Driving Knees out/Chest up)
10 Wrist rotations
5 Front Squats
5 Power cleans
3 Push Press 3 Push Jerk
3 Split Jerk
3 Power Clean & Jerk
2 Pausing Jerk Drives
2 Jerk Drives
Metcon (Weight)
On every 90 sec:
Jerk Technique
4 Sets:
2 Pausing Jerk Drives
2 Jerk Drives
Set 1: 75% of 1RM Clean & Jerk
Set 2: 80% of 1RM Clean & Jerk
Sets 3-4: 85% of 1RM Clean & Jerk
The clean and jerk is the focus of our first 3 pieces of the day
In this opening complex, we’ll dial in our jerk positioning and lower body power
The purpose of the Jerk Drive is to:
Train aggressive extension with the legs to launch the bar off the shoulder
Maintain a balanced vertical dip position (the pauses help feel this out)
We’ll pause for 2 seconds in the dip position on the Pausing Split Jerks
These 4 barbell reps come from the rack and are meant to be completed without dropping the bar
This piece takes place on the clock, starting at [0:00]
complete a set every 90 seconds
This means you’ll start sets at [0:00-1:30-3:00-4:30] “
1 Pausing Split Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (On the minute x 7 Start @65% 1RM C&J)
The second part of clean and jerk technique will work split jerk positioning
The pause on the first rep (2 seconds in dip, 2 seconds in catch) is to help ensure balance in both positions
In the dip, we’re looking for a vertical torso and balance throughout the foot
In the catch position, we’re looking for an even distribution of weight between the front and back legs
Complete these 2 unbroken reps at the top of each minute
Do not go to failure at the back end! Keep your form and focus on the passional phases.
Metcon (Weight)
Clean and Jerk Stamina
8 Min EMOM x 5 TNG
Keep all sets around 50-60% of your 1RM C&J
These are TNG reps. No rest between reps.