CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Green banded Mobility
Frog stretch 60 sec
Couch stretch 60 sec e/s
Wrist/forearm 30 sec F/B
10 Good mornings
10 wrist rotations
5 Front squats
5 Power Clean
5 Squat Cleans
3 Push jerk
3 Split Jerk
1 Power clean & Jerk
1 Squat Clean & Split Jerk
1 Power Clean & Push Jerk + 1 Squat Clean & Split Jerk (On Every 90 sec x 8 sets)
Build as you like over the 8 sets. make sure to maintain form in each movement.
Go: 0:00-130-3-430-6-730-9-1030
1 High Hang Power Clean 1 High Hang Squat Clean 1 Low Hang Power Clean 1 Low Hang Squat Clean (On Every 90 sec x 8)
High-Hang Clean (In an 8 min window build to a heavy single)
Scale some weight from our last complex.
In 8 minutes build to a heavy high hang.
Bar comes from the hip creese only.
Aim is 1 lift every 2 mins. (4 lifts)
Stay light and focus on form if you wish.