CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Med ball T-Spine 3’x 30 sec/15 rest
Lower Back/ Hipflexor 30 sec E/S
Table top 30 seconds
Frog Stretch 2 mins
10 Barbell Good Mornings
5 Back squats
3 Snatch high pulls
3 Hang snatch high pulls
3 power snatch
3 hang power snatch
1 Snatch High Pull 1 Power Snatch 1 Hang Snatch High Pull 1 Hang Power Snatch (On Every 90 sec x 8)
Build to mod – heavy weight if possible or stay light and focus on form.
2 Power Snatch 2 Hang Power Snatch (On every 90 x 8 sets)
Build to heavy single if possible