CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Frog Stretch 2 mins
Glute startch 1 minute each side
Front Rack stretch 30 sec
Puppy Dog Pose 30 sec
Wrist stretch 30 sec
10 Barbell Good Mornings
10 Wrist rotaions
5 Front Squats
3 Power clean
3 Hang power clean
2 Squat clean 2 hang squats clean
3 Spilt jerks
1 round of first complex.
1 Power clean + 1 Split jerk (On Every 90 sec x 6 )
1 Power Clean 3 sec pause in catch + 1 Split Jerk
1 Power Clean + Split Jerk
1 Power Clean, Reach Full Extension, + Split Jerk
Stay to a Moderate weight and focus on feeling good in each position.
You can TNG or Drop reset between each rep.
1 Power Clean 1 Squat Clean 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Split Jerk (On every 2 minutes x 6)
In the piece we are holding onto the barbell from start to finish. Power clean & squat clean must be touch and go for rep to count.
First set starts on 0:00. Last set on the 10 minutes.
Build only if technique allows you to.
Squat Clean (1 Rep On every 20 seconds x 20 reps)
Get ready to lift, breath and reset. Can you get the 20 reps!
Chose wisely:
If you can’t make the next lift in time for the following 20 seconds. Your out.