We would like to thank all of our past clients who stood by us, our family and our Gym. We have relocated to the Sunshine Coast in Sunny Queensland where we are living our best lives. 

We wish you all the very best for the future.

Now, do some Burpees!

CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting


Frog Stretch 2 mins

Glute startch 1 minute each side

Front Rack stretch 30 sec

Puppy Dog Pose 30 sec

Wrist stretch 30 sec



10 Barbell Good Mornings

10 Wrist rotaions

5 Front Squats

3 Power clean

3 Hang power clean

2 Squat clean 2 hang squats clean

3 Spilt jerks


1 round of first complex.

1 Power clean + 1 Split jerk (On Every 90 sec x 6 )

1 Power Clean 3 sec pause in catch + 1 Split Jerk

1 Power Clean + Split Jerk

1 Power Clean, Reach Full Extension, + Split Jerk

Stay to a Moderate weight and focus on feeling good in each position.

You can TNG or Drop reset between each rep.

1 Power Clean 1 Squat Clean 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Split Jerk (On every 2 minutes x 6)


In the piece we are holding onto the barbell from start to finish. Power clean & squat clean must be touch and go for rep to count.

First set starts on 0:00. Last set on the 10 minutes.

Build only if technique allows you to.

Squat Clean (1 Rep On every 20 seconds x 20 reps)


Get ready to lift, breath and reset. Can you get the 20 reps!

Chose wisely:






If you can’t make the next lift in time for the following 20 seconds. Your out.