CrossFit Inventive – Olympic Weightlifting
Frog Stretch 2 mins
Couch stretch 1 min e/s
Wrist stretch
Banded ankle mobility
Banded Tricep/Pec 1 min e/s
10 wrist rotations
5 front squat
5 power clean
5 hang Power clean
3 squat clean
3 hang squat clean Thrusters
1 round of complex
1 Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean Thruster (Go E90 SEC x 7 sets)
stay light to moderate
1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean Thruster (ONE90 x 7 sets)
Build to a Safe heavy single if you wish.
Form before weight.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
5 min AMARAP
“Max Power/Squat Clean”
RX= 100/70kg
Chose a weight that forces you to drop reset reps. Aim for no more than 15 sec rest between reps.
Good luck.
Can be power or squat. Mix it if need be.