CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Twisted cross 30 sec E/S
Puppy dog pose 30 sec
lower back/hip flexor x 30 E/S
5 inchworm 1 push-up
30 sec spiderman lunge with rotation
With Partner:
100 Alternating Facing Hand claps in push-up position.
Coach take class over WOD
Snatch warmup:
3 snatch pulls
3 Power snatch
5 mins to set up for WOD
Metcon (Time)
Partner WOD
For Time:
100 Power Snatch @50/30kg
100 Kipping HSPU/Seatd DB Press
100 Cal Bike or Ski (your choice)
100 Push-ups
(400 reps)
30 min cap
* Can do in any order you like. But must complete each 100 reps once you start that movement before moving to the next.
* No rower to be used so make sure you
* Don’t all teams leave the cals for the end.
*Choose own DB weight if you are not doing HSPU. Make it challenging though!