CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Double carpark run
10 Leg Swings F/L
1 lap Inchworm
1 Lap Spiderman Lunge (with Rotations)
2 laps Bear Crawl
10 Wall Squats
20 Halo Glute Bridges
20 Banded SLDL
10 Banded Press e/s
20 sec Calf e/s
30 Slow Calf Pumps
Warm up with Dumbbell Movements
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
25 Minute AMRAP:
16 Double DB-Burpee Deadlifts
Carpark Run (Carry Sandbag together)
16 Double DB-Box Step Overs 24/20
Carpark Run (Carry Sandbag together)
16 Double DB-S2O
Carpark Run (Carry Sandbag together)
RX DUMBBELL: 2 x 22.5/15kg
If there is any time left on the clock and the run is next, you must complete the run and it will be counted as a rep.