CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Upper Body
Wrist Stretch 0:30 e/s
Front rack Stretch 0:30
Puppy Dog Pose 0:30
Twisted Cross 0:30 e/s
Lower body
Glute stretch 0:30 e/s
Lower back/Hipflexor 0:30 e/s
Bike meters
10 Good mornings
10 Wrist rotations
5 front squats
5 power Cleans
Aim to work with a partner you can share the same barbell with.
(Establish Power Clean weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
Teams of Two Complete
30 minute amrap
800m Bike Erg
2 Power Clean 60/40kg
2 Lateral Bar Burpees
* Increase the Power Cleans and Lateral Bar Burpees
up by 2 reps of each after each set of the 800m bike meters
*Share the workload evenly throughout
* Best to use a clicker to keep up with rounds.
Bike erg:
– Row/Ski 400m each round
Power Clean:
– Lighter loads
– Double Dumbbell
Lateral Bar Burpees:
– lateral Step over bar