CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
20 Scorpions Front/Back
Forward Fold 45 seconds
Glute Stretch 30 e/s
Calf Stretch 30 e/s
40 Calf Pumps
2:00 Machine – increasing pace throughout
200M Jog
Metcon (Time)
For Total Time
1000/800M Row/Ski
500M Run
REST 2:00
800/650M Row/Ski
400M Run
REST 2:00
600/500M Row/Ski
300M Run
REST 2:00
500/400M Row/Ski
200M Run
– Bikeerg = Double Metres
– Assault Bike = 2400/2000M then 2000/1600 then 1450/1200 then 1200/1000
– If you cannot run, or the weather doesn’t permit, add the run distance on to the machine and then rest e.g. 1500/1300M Row for the first block.
Long Piece to start your week. Lots of running under fatigue here, pace yourself accordingly on the machines, work hard on your run as you have rest after each run.