CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
Glute Stretch 1:00 e/s
Twisted Cross :30 e/s
Lower Back Hip Flexor 1:00 e/s
Lunge with rotations :30 e/s
1:00 Machine
5 Inchworms + Push Up
5 Russian KB Swings
1:00 Machine
5 Inchworms + Push Up
5 KB Goblet Squats
Metcon (No Measure)
1: :45 KB Swings @24/16
2: :45 KB Goblet Squats @24/16
3: :45 Machine for Distance
4: :45 HRPU
– Work for 45 seconds of each minute, allow some time to move to your next movement.
– Same Weight for KB Swings and Squats, the goal is to keep moving for close to the whole 45 seconds, if you are taking multiple breaks within that time, you have gone too heavy.