CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
2:00 Machine
30 sec Puppy Dog Pose
30 sec Twisted Cross E/S
1:30 Minute Machine
30 sec Spiderman Lunge Hold e/s
30 sec Lower back/Hipflexor e/s
30 calf Pumps
1:00 Machine
10 Scap Pulls
5 Kipping Swings
5 Strict Pull ups/Ring Rows
Tabata 20/10
Plank Hold
Metcon (Calories)
30 Minute EMOM:
ODD- 40 sec Max Calorie Machine
EVEN- 5 Burpee Pull-ups
Alternating between the both movements each minute. Work hard on the burpee Pull-ups for more rest as your only getting 20 seconds rest of the machine each minute.
*Keep the calories ticking over today as your score will be total Calories over the EMOM.