CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
Warm-up (No Measure)
60 Sec Couch stretch E/S
20 Scorpions F/B
30 Sec Lower Back/Hipflexor
20 Green Banded SLDL
20 Halo Glute Bridges
30 Sec Static Squat (Push Knees out)
10 Wall Squats
10 Russian KBS @24/16kg
Metcon (3 Rounds for time)
3 rounds:
3 Rounds:
50 Wallball @9/6kg
50 KBS @24/16kg
*Start a New round every 10 Minutes.
Idead is to finish each round under 10 minutes. Rest and start a new round at the 10:00 & 20:00 minute marks.