CrossFit Inventive – Pure Conditioning
Spiderman Lunge with rotation 30 e/s
Glute Stretch 30 e/s
Lower Back Hip Flexor 30 e/s
20 Scorpions Front/Back
2 Sets
1:00 Machine
20 Alternating Shoulder Taps
5 Inchworms no push up
10 Russian KB Swings
Metcon (Distance)
30:00 Max Distance Machine
E3MOM (Including 0)
15 Russian KB Swings
– Every three minutes you will hop off your machine and complete 10 HRPU & 15 Russian KBS
– Choose a KB weight that will allow you to complete reps unbroken. Typical RX here would be 32/24
Longer Machine Conditioning today.
The aim here is to be able to get through the HRPU and RKBS and have at least 90 seconds on your machine each round.
Pick a steady repeatable pace on the machines and get to work.