CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Lower Back/Hipflexor 1 minute each side
Puppy Dog Pose 30 seconds
Twisted Cross 30 seconds each side
Glute Stretch 30 seconds each side
Each Partner Perform 2 Rounds of Each:
10 Strict Push Ups
5 KB- Push Press Each Arm
10 Hollow Rocks/V-Sits
P2. Moderate pace on Machine
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
30 Minute amrap:
8 Barbell Floor Press ( 1:1 )
12 Double Kettlebell Push Press (1:1)
16 Cal Machine (1:1)
RX Weights=
Floor Press: 60/40kg
Double Kettlebell Push Press: 2 x 16/12 kg
Partner 1 completes 8 Floor press while Partner 2 is a spotter. Once partner 1 has completed the 8 Floor Press P2 must complete 8 reps before moving onto the Double Kettlebell push Press where P1 will work and P2 Will rest, swap then move onto the calories where the same system applies.
The 1:1 work rest on each exercise will give you enough rest to work hard for the 30 mins on each exercise.
Score for Total Rounds And Reps.
1 Round = Both partners completing a full round.