CrossFit Inventive – CrossFit
Glute Stretch 60 sec
Lower back hipflexor 30 secE/S
Puppy dog pose 30 sec
Calf stretch 20 sec E/S
30 calf pumps
Carpark run
3 inchworm 1 push-ups
10 frog hops
30 sec plank hold
15/10 cal machine
10 air squats
10 Alternating lunges
10 Hollow rocks
Swap and repeat.
Set up for WOD
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
Buy in:
Run 800m with Partner
6 Rounds Each:
5 Burpee Pull ups
12 Alternating Dumbell Snatch
15/10 Cal Machine
Buy out:
800m Run Together
Partner 2 can start burpee pull-ups once p1 starts cals.
Run is to the end of the wooden foot bridge.
if you cannot do Burppee pull-ups complete 8’Burpee to target.